Hitchin's version of the Repair Shop - Repair Cafe requires volunteers at Bancroft's Hackspace site: Could you be the next Jay Blades

By Layth Yousif 22nd Mar 2023

Could you be the next Jay Blades, host of the successful Repair Shop. CREDIT: BBC PUBLICITY
Could you be the next Jay Blades, host of the successful Repair Shop. CREDIT: BBC PUBLICITY

Hitchin's version of the Repair Shop - Repair Cafe requires volunteers at Bancroft Hackspace site: Could you be the next Jay Blades

We've all been moved by the BBC hit show the Repair Shop, hosted by Jay Blades - but did you know Hitchin has its very own equivalent that pre-dates the programme.

The Repair Café @Hithcin Hackspace has been flourishing for a while, since the disused public toilets on Bancroft were turned into an acclaimed community space.

Now, the team are after volunteers.

Organisers say: "Did you know Hitchin has its own answer to platform nine and three-quarters?  

"Okay, so you can't quite push a handcart through to a brick wall where you'll find the Hogwarts Express which will carry you off to a school of witchcraft and wizardry – this I admit.

"But through an unassuming door at 67 Bancroft, brilliant things are happening, even if they're technically not quite magical."

Repair Café @Hitchin Hackspace is organised by Plastic Free Hitchin every few months and generously hosted by Hitchin Hackspace, a community organisation devoted to providing members with a place to explore all kinds of creative technologies and crafts (for more info on this brilliant organisation, head to hackhitchin.org.uk).  

Revived following the pandemic, the café is staffed by friendly and skilled volunteers ready to repair everything - think electrical, mechanical, wearable. And if they can't? You'll be advised how you can go about repairing Dad's "vintage" record player. 

Pre-booking is essential. You can follow Plastic Free Hitchin's Facebook page to know when the next repair Café events will take place or send us an email at [email protected].  

The latest was held earlier this month, with 52 items being brought along and 69% – 36 items – were fixed for grateful members of the Hitchin community, the rest being pointed in the right direction. 

It's all part of their constant battle to reduce unnecessary waste – the doctrine of Plastic Free Hitchin.

Did You Know

The textile industry accounts for 10% of harmful emissions released into the environment, we send 360,000 tonnes of clothing worth around £140m to landfill each year, the amount of electronic goods we send to landfill in the UK annually weighs in at gargantuan 155,000 tonnes. The same research showed that 68% of consumers find it too difficult to repair their devices when something goes wrong while 71% find it too expensive.  

And here's where the Repair Café comes in.

Like all of us, the fabulous volunteers are time-strapped and with household budgets tightened further with each passing month, slots are understandably limited and booking is essential (see plasticfreehitchin.wordpress.com).

Slots are typically 30-40 minutes in length and visitors are encouraged to spend time with the mend-it magicians as they cast their spell giving a new lease of life to items that might otherwise have been confined to the bin.

Donations are suggested but are not mandatory. 

The next repair café in Hitchin will take place on July 8.

Please get in touch if you would like more information or if you're a generous soul with a skill to offer (repairing/baking/welcoming people etc) ([email protected]).  

Keep an eye out for a new repair café in Letchworth through organised by The Garden Shed: (https://letchworthgardenshed.com


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