Hitchin secondary school confirms two positive Covid cases

A Hitchin secondary school has reported two confirmed cases of Covid.
Hitchin Boys' School, on Grammar School Walk, has confirmed the infections involve a member of support staff and a year 12 student.
The parents of those students and staff members who have been in close contact with the confirmed cases have received an individual phone call/letter advising them to self-isolate in line with the national guidance.
HBS headteacher Fergal Moane said in a letter sent to parents seen by Hitchin Nub News: "The police have been in touch with the school to ask us to remind students that they should be in with no more than one other person from another household when in public spaces such as streets and parks.
"I realise that this is difficult for students when different rules apply within school, but we need to follow the rules in place outside the school.
"We are trying our best to keep the school open to all students, but the numbers of staff who are having to self-isolate is very high.
"These are due to a variety of reasons such as symptoms in the household, providing childcare when primary schools have sent children home or following medical advice such as clinical vulnerability or preparation for/recovery from hospital treatment."
The school also explained that although most teachers are 'teaching from home' via video link, HBS is getting close to the point where the school may not be able to get enough supply staff in to cover.
Mr Moane added: "I know from the experiences of my own family members that self-isolation for 14 days can be challenging and impact life significantly.
"But until a vaccine becomes more widely available or the scientific advice changes, this is the best tool we have to prevent the spread of infection whilst keeping schools open."