Lyndhurst Financial Management sustainability conference hailed as success as Cop26 starts

A sustainability conference held ahead of Cop26 has been hailed as a success.
Lyndhurst Financial Management hosted the event called Financial Wellbeing and Sustainable Strategies for a Changing World, prior to the world's leaders meeting in Glasgow to discuss the climate crisis.
Lyndhurst's renowned City based speakers covered a number of topics ranging from transforming from a linear to a circular economy, to the way fund managers select sustainable investments, as well as the great wealth transfer - where over the next fifteen years it is estimated that £5.5 trillion will be transferred between generations.
Speaking to Hitchin Nub News, Lyndhurst development director Geoff Newman said: "The conference went really well.
"We were really excited by the response from our 60 clients and guests.
"We had an excellent range of speakers who provided an informative and thought-provoking journey through sustainable investing and intergenerational wealth planning.
"The feedback was excellent from the clients and we also had a very interesting Q&A session with Hitchin and Harpenden MP Bim Afolami."
Mr Afolami - who will be chairing an event at Cop26 in Glasgow this week - was the event's keynote speaker.
He kicked off the conference by outlining what governments can do to provide the framework to help us all achieve net zero by 2050 - with his Q&A session providing some lively debate.
Mr Newman added: "Bim was very interesting and very informed. It was great to have him."
Stephen Findlay, Founder of My Carbon Plan introduced a local not-for-profit organisation and explained how My Carbon Plan enables people to measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint.
Mr Findlay also spoke out achieving net zero by planting willow trees in the Lake District - a feature Lyndhurst have done for all their staff.
While Paula Butterworth, a partner a Rayden Solicitors, discussed how family law intersects with important intergenerational life decisions.
She also spoke about how the legal profession has become more sustainable during the pandemic and the importance of documenting agreement between couples.
Mr Newman concluded: "All in all it was a tremendous morning and we are very much looking forward to planning next year's conference."
Nub News have an innovative partnership with Lyndhurst who support our coverage of the local community through being our headline sponsor.
Founded in 1992 operating from Harpenden and having acquired an office in Hitchin in 2015, the firm has supported the local community for many years.
With a deep commitment to sustainable investing, their strategy allows for positively and proactively protecting people and the planet.
Lyndhurst believe that working towards, and investing in a future that will be cleaner, safer and healthier - starts with small steps in the right direction.