Hitchin: A Churchwarden Writes: Happy Easter from all at St Mary's Church

By Layth Yousif 17th Apr 2022

Read the latest column from A Churchwarden Writes as Hitchin's iconic St Mary's Church wishes everyone a Happy Easter

A Churchwarden Writes….There's more to Easter than Chocolate: the most important week of the Church's year draws to its conclusion, and Hot Cross Buns.

At the 'Churches Together in Hitchin' service in the Market square on Good Friday morning Rev Chris Bunce of St Mary's joined Christian leaders from around Hitchin in prayers for Ukraine and for our world. Several hundred listened in the hot spring sunshine as he gave the address, focusing on the meaning of the cross, as life size wooden crosses which would later be at the centre of worship in Hitchin's Churches were held up. 

Some of his explanation was that: "God did not send His Son into the world to turn the world upside-down, but to turn the world the right way up. The Cross is that pivot…The centre of Good Friday, in fact of the whole Christian faith, is the Cross. So it is indeed a day to enjoy hot cross buns! But most importantly, it is a day to stand silently before the Cross. For the Cross is proof of God's love for us…So, friends, this is a good day, a good Friday. For the Cross, the demonstration of God's love, the pivot by which the world is turned the right way up, stands at the centre of the universe for you and for me. And something that looked like a bad ending, like a failed mission, became a gateway to new hope and new possibility on Easter Morning. It's what each of us do next that will change the world, and in the power of Christ, begin to turn the world the right way up. Wishing you a very Happy Easter when it comes".

Our Maundy Thursday service and our Good Friday afternoon service can be viewed on our YouTube channel, as can our Easter Sunday morning Festival service and Choral evensong at 6.30 pm with even more wonderful music in celebration. 

LIVESTREAMED Services on Sundays are available to watch live at 10 am or anytime afterwards on our Youtube channel available on this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/stmaryshitchin

Having said there's more to Easter than chocolate, there will be some Easter treats on offer on Sunday morning at St Mary's, and hot cross buns are being consumed in quantity. Did you know that the famous bakery items were invented in St Albans? In 1361, Thomas Rocliffe, a monk from St Albans Monastery, made spiced buns, marked with a cross. He gave them away on Good Friday. They were so popular that his act was repeated every Good Friday across the country. The end of lent and a feast day to celebrate Easter has led to the explosion of consumption we now see around us, and we will be considering the meaning of Eggs and Eastertide at our Early Evening Service next week.  

On Thursday night the altars were stripped of their coverings and ornaments cleared away (photo of the bare altar or the cross)  On Holy Saturday the Church is being  prepared and beautiful flower arrangements put in place ready for celebrations in the morning. Do visit the Church next week to see the wonderful results.


Our day of music for Ukraine last Saturday was a great success with around 500 visitors coming in to hear the talented performers from around the county, and it was particularly moving to hear the Ukrainian National Anthem sung. The total raised during our 6 weeks supporting the DEC appeal will be reported soon. 

A Happy Easter from St Mary's!

Further updated details of our services, opening times and events are found on our public Facebook page @StMarysChurchHitchin    .

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