Hertfordshire Chorus welcomes singers to an Open rehearsal of Elgar's The Dream Of Gerontius
Stanborough School Lemsford Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6YR
Wednesday 19th March

Life, death and what happens when it's all over. Elgar's work is based on a poem on these major themes by Cardinal John Henry Newman. Of all his choral masterpieces, Gerontius is perhaps his greatest. This is music that makes the spirit soar, while reminding us at the same time, of our own humility.
Come along and experience singing this wonderful piece of music with Hertfordshire Chorus. Ticket includes music hire, and delicious home-made cake at the break.
Tickets £10, available via Hertfordshire Chorus website or direct from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/hertfordshirechorus/t-pqekzqn